Special editions offer more than just a way to stand out. They create their own experiences. For 2021, the Lexus Black Line series and LC 500 Inspiration Series arrive with a custom travel partner: Zero Halliburton, high-end travel cases designed exclusively for Lexus.
Though travel by air and sea never stopped, for now, the road is largely where we’re finding connection—with our world and each other. Bags that fit neatly into a trunk or hatch open up space for additional ride-alongs, such as outdoor equipment, games, coolers or books.
In this exclusive collaboration between Lexus and the travel enthusiasts’ lifestyle brand, Zero Halliburton, craftsmanship meets convenience with specifications to match.
Let it Shine
The Pursuit Aluminum collection features a durable, brushed aluminum surface, patented concave edging for extra strength, and a customized wheel system that swings smoothly around curves.
Affixed beneath the embossable, coated leather pull tab is the Lexus Logo Frame which can be removed and personalized. Exclusive hand-stitched leather handle in blue echoes the expressive blues of Lexus, adding a crisp pop of color.
Inside are additional exclusive touches, such as a high-tech fabric lining featuring the custom Lexus Spindle Grille motif.
Smooth and sculpted, the cases may appear too artful for stowing and rolling, but they’re also sturdy enough to resist dings and dents. After all, even globetrotters need somewhere to stash fresh shirts securely.
Matte and Mobile
On the “darker end of the spectrum,” the Edge Lightweight set (International Carry-on and a Continental Travel Case) mimics the signature noir touches of the Lexus Black Line series.
Here again, form meets function with impact-resistant polycarbonate molded for portability and durability. And, as with the Pursuit Aluminum line, the Edge Lightweight swivels and glides on multidirectional wheels. Inside each case, the Zero Halliburton for Lexus Collection premium travel cases are marked with an etched zinc-alloy logo badge with chrome treatment and lined with fabric featuring the custom Lexus Spindle Grille motif.
The sets are also now available in limited quantities for purchase from Lexus Collection (visit thelexuscollection.com).
So, while this may be a time of pausing, it’s not a time to stop. We can move forward through dreaming, trying new ways of interacting, and to get where we’re going, we still need the right bag for the journey.
Originally published October 1, 2020